Wayne Kerr 4225

Wayne Kerr 4225

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Location:Hounslow, United Kingdom


Automatic LCR Meter Wayne Kerr 4225 Automatic LCR Meter (WK 4225) provided direct measurements on inductors, capacitors and resistors at any of three alternative frequencies. In addition to reading the major term (inductance L, capacitance C, and resistance R), it can be switched to measure the resistive loss term of inductors and capacitors, and any L or C term present with resistors. The 4225 can give automatic readout of the Q-factor of any inductor by computing the ratio of reactance to resistance. Similarly, for capacitors, the dissipation factor D can be read directly, the 4225 making the appropriate computation. An internal voltage is available for polarisation of capacitors when required. Wayne Kerr 4225 Features Measurement Freqs: 100Hz, 1kHz, 10kHz Measurement Functions: L, C, R, Q, D and auto component mode Level: 250mV (+-50mV) from 100 ohms Auto range (with manual lock), Series/Parallel equivalent circuit, Auto Component Mode (R, L or C) with manual override Ask for


ManufacturerWayne Kerr
ModelWayne Kerr 4225