Keysight / Agilent E5080A

Keysight / Agilent E5080A

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Location:Hounslow, United Kingdom


E5080A ENA Vector Network Analyzer

(With Option :  265, 019, UNQ, 009)

  • 9 kHz to 4.5/6.5/9 GHz, 2- or 4-port, 50 ohm
  • Wide dynamic range 152 dB (typical)
  • Fast measurement speed 3 ms (401 points)
  • Low trace noise 0.0005 dBrms (typical)
  • High temperature stability 0.005 dB/°C
  • Wide source power range –90 to +15 dBm (spec)
  • Intuitive touch-based GUI on large, high-resolution 12.1" screen
  • Up to 40-port capability with E5092A test sets

With Option :

  • 265 : 2-port test set, 9 kHz to 6.5 GHz with bias tees
  • 019: Standard solid state drive
  • UNQ: Standard stability timebase
  • 009 : Frequency offset mode

The E5080A is the next-generation ENA, providing best-in-class performance,flexible functionality and advanced usability. With its intuitive, touch-based interface,the E5080A is designed to help users streamline their measurement flow and achievebetter results in less time. This new instrument implements a converged platform thatleverages the best attributes of the ENA and PNA families. The E5080A sets the newstandard in RF component testing for both R&D and manufacturing environments.The E5080A offers comprehensive functionalities for measuring active and passivecomponents such as amplifiers, mixers, filters, antennas, cables, and many more.It builds on the over 45-year legacy of excellence in network analysis and 75-yearelectronic test and measurement experience.


ManufacturerKeysight / Agilent