Rohde & Schwarz (R&S) / Hameg HMC8015

Rohde & Schwarz (R&S) / Hameg HMC8015

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Location:England, United Kingdom


Rohde & Schwarz (R&S) / Hameg HMC8015 Power Analyser, Current, Energy, Frequency, Harmonics, Voltage, 2 Channel, 0V to 600V

The HMC8015 from Rohde & Schwarz is a user configurable, dual channel power analyzer. This analyzer is the first compact tester for AC/DC load and standby current characterization that enables measurements without additional tools such as a computer or remote infrastructure. In addition to a numerical and graphical display with 26 key parameters, the instrument delivers performance and compliance protocols in line with IEC62301, EN50564 and EN61000-3-2. It graphically displays harmonic analysis up to the 50th harmonic on the logarithmic scale. It sets new standards when it comes to documentation. It simultaneously displays up to 10 user configurable measurands with a refresh rate of 10 measurements per second. A logging function makes it possible to store this data with a timestamp in CSV format for a nearly unlimited period of time. The Screen content can also be saved to a USB flash drive anytime at the push of a button.

  • Clear display of all measured parameters, brilliant QVGA colour display (320 x 240 pixel)
  • Basic accuracy of 0.05%, long term data logging in CSV format via USB flash drive
  • Three stage filter system adaptable to measurement task at hand
  • Genuine consumption meter thanks to hardware based integrator
  • 26 different measurement and mathematical functions, sampling rate of 500Ksample/s
  • Power measurement range from 50µW to 12KW, analogue bandwidth of DC to 100KHz
  • Front panel of 4mm safety connectors and rear panel
  • USB port (virtual COM port, TMC), Ethernet port (LXI) with integrated web server
  • Remote control via SCPI-based commands
  • Driver packages for LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, VXI,


ManufacturerRohde & Schwarz (R&S) / Hameg